Saturday, May 30, 2009

Slow Week

Hey all,

So I only got a couple things done this week, really nothing to fancy, but enough to move it along.

1. Beer. Sam Adams Summer Ale. Great beer for the summer, has a sweet taste to it.

2. Movie. The Mummy- The Drago Emperor. O'Connell is back with his wife Eve, his brother in law Jonathan, and their son now who is grown up. They are racing against time to stop the full reserrection of a Chinese emperor who ruled the land thousands of years ago. All things considered, it was an amusing movie. While the story was over the top, it was better to watch then any of those scorpion king films.

I'll try to do a bit this weekend, see ya later!


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Back again

OK, so I'll give a run down on how I'll be updating these posts.

Pretty much every time I accomplish something on the list, I'll put an update of what I have done. This will be followed by a brief description of it. In some cases i'll take be taking pictures of what has been done, so people can get a view of it.

The previous week update I was able to do four things: read two books, watch a movie, and do a sporting activity. I'll give a description of each.

1. Moonraker by Ian Fleming. This book follows the adventure of James Bond in England. It begins with Bond investigating a cheater at M, his boss's, card club Blades. The cheater, a well respected man by the name of Hugo Drax, is in charge of a missile project known as the Moonraker. After the game Bond is sent to investigate the project due to suspicions of it. He is joined by the operative Gala Brand, who is spying of Drax as his secretary. Bond's investigating of project leads to a startling discovery that if left unattended, could destroy London.

2. From Russia with Love, by Ian Fleming. The Soviet assassination agency, SMERSH, needs to use a plan to shake the international community. Having decided on killing Bond and making his death an embarassment to England, they train one of their women, Tatiana Romanova, to seduce him. She is to lure him to Instanbul under the pretence of getting a spy machine. But when he arrives, a deadly game begins and double crossing ensues from Turkey through to Paris.

3. 1408. A reporter stays in a haunted room to do a story on it. Over the time he is there, he has encounters with the spirits of those who died in the room, as the room itself is poccessed by a evil presence. During his stay, he comes to horrors in his own life, such as the death of his daughter. He eventually sets the room ablaze to get free.

Sporting activity
4. Midnight Ultimate Frisbee. Played a game with different colored glow sticks on our arms, signifying teams.

I'll be trying to follow this format with all my updates, as well as trying to provide photos of the accomplishments.

So from last Friday until today, Monday, I have accomplished:

1. Diamonds are Forever, by Ian Fleming(i'm on a Bond kick). A diamond smuggling ring from Africa through London and ending in the United States has Bond brought in to investigate. What starts as a simple mission brings James Bond into the world of gangs in the United States, as well close encounters with death from Mr. Winn and Mr. Kidd, as well as the beautiful Tiffany Case.

2. Sam Adams. Really nothing else to say, except tasty! Goes down smooth and crisp.

Sport activity
3. Ultimate Frisbee. Played a massive game of ultimate frisbee over at an elementary near my house. Great game, very intense.

So thats it, I'll see what I get done over the next couple of days.


Friday, May 22, 2009

First attempts


So I was able to get a few things done so far.

Books: Read From Russia with Love and Moonraker by Ian Fleming
Movies: 1408
Sporting Event: Midnight Ultimate Frisbee

So I've done four things. I'll talk more about these, as well as what occurs this weekend in the new post when I get get back on Monday. Happy Memorial Day Weekend!


Thursday, May 21, 2009

The List

So without further delay, here is the list:

  1. Read 22 books.
  2. Watch 22 movies.
  3. Beat 22 games.
  4. Listen to 22 songs.
  5. Hit 22 baseballs.
  6. Drive to 22 different towns, and see what they have to offer.
  7. Stay up 22 hours straight.
  8. Have 22 different flavors of ices.
  9. Drink 22 different beers.
  10. Take the subway to 22 different stops in New York City and see what they have to offer.
  11. Eat 22 different foods.
  12. Catch 22 fish.
  13. Go out of my way to meet and converse with 22 strangers.
  14. Play 22 sport games: Ultimate Frisbee, baseball, etc.
  15. Drive 22 miles away from home and see where that lands me.
  16. Go to 22 different events: Concerts, sporting, festivals, etc.
  17. Shoot 22 holes of golf. (I know, I'll have to play two or three games, not a big deal)
  18. Do 22 good deeds.
  19. Go on 22 dates...
  20. ...with 22 different women.
  21. Lose 22 pounds.
  22. Do something outdoors I really like 22 times: the beach, the park, biking, canoeing, camping, etc.
So theres the list. As you can see, some are pretty easy, some are not. They are going require work, and i'm going to document this whole trip as best I can. And now the main rule:

I want to do everything on this list starting from Saturday, May 16th, when classes finally finished to the first day of September when I will begin student teaching.

So that's my goal. I want to see how I am when I summer ends. Now, I'm asking those who will read this, what should I do? I have a few ideas, but I'm asking you to give me suggestions. You tell me, what is good place to check out? What place has good food? Where can I get a good beer? Where would be a good place to take a girl out? Let me know. I reside on Long Island, so I'll try get around this area as best as I can.

As this whole experiment goes on, I will try to keep an update of three times a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. So look forward to more posts as I take this challenge on. Until next time.


P.S. a little background on myself. I'm a 5'4, average built Irish guy. I've got blue eyes and brown hair. I'll try to get a picture up once this thing starts moving.

In the Beginning....

Hey and welcome all,

This is the first post for Quinn's Twenty-two things to do at 22. So before I put the list down, I'm going to give the background for this whole thing. First off, this list is NOT a bucket list. This list was thought up by someone who wanted to get the full amount of enjoyment out of this summer.

This came about when I realized that people today do not put enough time to go out and enjoy the everyday world. Experience everything that is around them. Try new things. Explore. Meet new people. It seems that everyone has this routine they fall into. Whether it going to work on the same hours, converse with the same people, have the same drink, drive the same road, watch the same shows. Oh sure, they may alternate their routine by taking another road to work, or going out to eat dinner spontaneously with a loved one, but then people will go back into their daily regiment, watching the same television shows and talking to same people for days on end.

This I feel develops when a person is younger. Take a summer break for instance. At the beginning they feel that they will do all these amazing things over their break. Go on vacation, go to the beach, party with people, fall in love; almost everyone has these notions. Then the summer come and they put aside things they wanted to because it isn't convenient for them, or requires too much work. Little by little they put off things they wanted to do and by mid august, they look back and realized they did absolutely nothing this summer.

So where do I come in to this? I have done this procrastination thing a few times, but not so severely. I try to be open to new things. Two years ago my brother and I went on vacation in Ireland, and I added a mini trip to England on a whim, and met family I haven't seen in since I was and infant, as well as see another country. Last summer I volunteered to help build a home in Nicaragua with a great group of guys, and came home a changed man. In the winter I built a computer with friends. So these are a couple of things happen to me in the recent past. But each of these events helped propel me to try new things and live.

So this summer is rolling around, and I came up with this idea for experiencing the best of a time. I'm going to do twenty two different things this summer, and see where that takes me. Some will be hard to do and some will be pretty easy. A few items on the list will seem completely stupid, and others will have some real value to them. But regardless I hope I will take something out of this. And finally, to have some fun.