Thursday, May 21, 2009

In the Beginning....

Hey and welcome all,

This is the first post for Quinn's Twenty-two things to do at 22. So before I put the list down, I'm going to give the background for this whole thing. First off, this list is NOT a bucket list. This list was thought up by someone who wanted to get the full amount of enjoyment out of this summer.

This came about when I realized that people today do not put enough time to go out and enjoy the everyday world. Experience everything that is around them. Try new things. Explore. Meet new people. It seems that everyone has this routine they fall into. Whether it going to work on the same hours, converse with the same people, have the same drink, drive the same road, watch the same shows. Oh sure, they may alternate their routine by taking another road to work, or going out to eat dinner spontaneously with a loved one, but then people will go back into their daily regiment, watching the same television shows and talking to same people for days on end.

This I feel develops when a person is younger. Take a summer break for instance. At the beginning they feel that they will do all these amazing things over their break. Go on vacation, go to the beach, party with people, fall in love; almost everyone has these notions. Then the summer come and they put aside things they wanted to because it isn't convenient for them, or requires too much work. Little by little they put off things they wanted to do and by mid august, they look back and realized they did absolutely nothing this summer.

So where do I come in to this? I have done this procrastination thing a few times, but not so severely. I try to be open to new things. Two years ago my brother and I went on vacation in Ireland, and I added a mini trip to England on a whim, and met family I haven't seen in since I was and infant, as well as see another country. Last summer I volunteered to help build a home in Nicaragua with a great group of guys, and came home a changed man. In the winter I built a computer with friends. So these are a couple of things happen to me in the recent past. But each of these events helped propel me to try new things and live.

So this summer is rolling around, and I came up with this idea for experiencing the best of a time. I'm going to do twenty two different things this summer, and see where that takes me. Some will be hard to do and some will be pretty easy. A few items on the list will seem completely stupid, and others will have some real value to them. But regardless I hope I will take something out of this. And finally, to have some fun.

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