Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Late, but worth it

Hey all,

Sorry about the late update, I've been feeling a bit under the weather these last past days. But needless to say that didn't stop me to get things accomplished this weekend. Lets get to it.

1. Beer. Sierra Nevada. Now, most the beers I've been drinking I have enjoyed. This one I did not. Some people rave about it and its taste. I found it to be too similar to other microbrews that cannot filter their beer properly. I felt it was too hoppy.

2. Beer.Schlitz. This beer is a poor man's bud light. Cheap, at 5.49 for a twelve pack. I bought it and downed a few. It had a crisp taste and went down like water.

3. Movie. Wall-E. Disney's movie about a little robot that could. It is a metaphor for the future, in how we need to protect the planet.

4. Book. I love you Beth Cooper, by Larry Doyle. This story tells of a neurotic High School on his last day and the events that follow through with over the coming night. Because words cannot do justice for how great this book is, I'll leave an exerpt from the book:
"For all its obsessive analysis, Denis’s Biggest Brain
had neglected to consider two relevant facts. Big Brains
often have this problem: Albert Einstein was said to be
so absentminded that he once brushed his teeth with a
power drill. But even Einstein (who, according to geek
mythology, bagged Marilyn Monroe) would not have
overlooked these facts; even Einstein’s brain, pickling
in a jar at Princeton, would be able to grasp the in! nitudinous
import of these two simple facts, which now
hung over Denis’s huge head like a sword of Damocles—
or to the non- honors graduates, like a sick fart.
The two incontrovertible, insurmountable, damn
sad facts were these:
Beth Cooper was the head cheerleader;
Denis Cooverman was captain of the debate team."

5. Conversation with a stranger. I was able to start the conversation with a stranger. For her safety (and mine) I'll refer to her as Lily. Now, this was a failure from the beginning, as the girl was not the sharpest tool in the shed. Conversation began at an Applebee's with a few of her friends and mine, with her being very flirtatious. I opened up, trying to get something out of her with some type of lead on. She then raises her hand, showing her engagement ring. This was a buzzkill, but continued to talk to her. Later on I was able to find out where she was from, what she doing, and her ideas. However, things started to fail when I offered to play ultimate frisbee with her. She rejected, numerous times. A couple of her friends did not. We started tossing it around and I, being the idiot kept offering it to her to play. She kept turning me down. Things then went from bad to worst, as things progressed. In the end, we departed on LESS then friendly terms. But, I was able to find out several things about her:

Where she lived, her relationship status, has a child, does not like doing sporting activities, especially in a dress and heels, and is ultimately deprived of attention. Overall, a success.

6. Event. John's going away party. Small get-together he threw to collaborate him moving out (again).

This leads into the last entry. I completed a first!

7. Stay up 22 hours straight. I began this situation by waking up at 6 a.m. on monday. From there I went to work from 7-3:30. After driving a fellow worker home, I relaxed to about 6:30, when I had dinner. Reading a book for a bit, I went over to my John's around 11ish. Here I partied and enjoyed myself. In the last hour, from 3-4, my friends had to kick and hit me numerous times to stay away. But I did it, and stayed up till 4:15. 22 hours awake. Seems like nothing, but it really, realy is.

Anyway, those are the weekend updates. I'll catch everyone later.


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